Software programs and apps used in construction management

August 26, 2019
Construction management is impacted by new technology, changing not only how buildings are built but also how building projects are managed. Here is a sample of software programs and apps used in construction management.
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Interview with Dr. Chuck Easttom, Director, Quantum Computing and Cryptography Research Lab

August 22, 2019
Capitol professor, Dr. Chuck Easttom, shares all – from the latest trends in quantum computing to his advice for undergraduate students – and gives a sneak peek of his new lab and book, both coming online this fall.
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Organizational cybersecurity threats - external vs internal

August 20, 2019
Which poses a bigger threat – internal or external cybersecurity risks? The answer is determined by the nature of the company, its employees, and what preventative methods have already been put into place.
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Cyber Analytics Careers in Government

August 12, 2019
With more frequent cybersecurity breaches, it is vital that an entity like the government keep their data secure. Cybersecurity careers are needed in federal, as well as state and local governments, where more services are offered.
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Online Bachelor of Science (BS) in Facilities Management

How Mechatronics Engineering is Advancing Agriculture

August 6, 2019
The advent of mechatronics engineering has greatly advanced agriculture by reducing the use of resources and providing customized treatments of crops, resulting in benefits to the farmer, consumer, and the environment.
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Montgomery College

Catawba Valley Community College

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Information Technology

Cybersecurity Job Opportunities – Private Sector

July 29, 2019
Considering a job in cybersecurity? There are many opportunities within the private sector, in fields from health care to finance to retail. Two experienced cybersecurity professionals offer their insight into the industry.
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