Capitology Blog

The societal cost of the “Snowden Effect”

February 4, 2018
By William H. Butler,  Chair, Cybersecurity Program, Capitol Technology University
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Capitol Launches New PhD Program in Technology

February 2, 2018
Starting in Spring of 2018, Capitol Technology University will offer students new opportunities with our PhD in Technology degree.
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CISSP Cyber Security Certification: How the “gold standard” in cyber opens career doors

January 31, 2018
Certified Information Systems Security Professional. It’s a coveted title in the cybersecurity field. It’s also increasingly the gateway to higher-level employment opportunities.
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Capitol to Launch New Unmanned Systems Lab

January 31, 2018
From the depths of the ocean to outer space, unmanned systems have become capable of running almost anywhere that science can dream up.
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Chasing Galileo: Capitol astronautical engineering students contribute to expand the definition of what we can see

January 29, 2018
The first telescope used for space exploration was made and used by Galileo Galilei in the year 1610.
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Have Fun and Learn Cyber Skills at Capitol's Next Cyber Saturday!

January 26, 2018
Are you a high school or community college student with an interest in computers, coding, gaming and cybersecurity?
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The future is here: Capitol to research brain-machine interfaces

January 26, 2018
Imagine being able to operate your computer without needing a mouse or a keyboard, by controlling it directly with your brain.
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Cyber Security Career Prep: Spotlight Department of Homeland Security

January 25, 2018
What pressing issues do you most worry about? Although the list varies among individuals, many would include the threat of terrorism at or near the top.
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The CubeSat revolution: You too can build and launch your own satellite payload!

January 10, 2018
These are exciting times for the tech-minded. The maker movement is in full swing, with inventions such as the 3-D printer making it feasible to undertake projects that were once prohibitively expensive.
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Cyber Security Career Prep: Spotlight NSA

January 4, 2018
Cyberspace: The new frontier. And criminals are lurking in the protection of its depths. With the rapid evolution of technology and our nation’s ever increasing dependence on digital data, cybercrime is on the rise.
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