Capitology Blog

Choosing a career path in Cybersecurity: Government or Industry?

May 9, 2018
There are government jobs and industry jobs, and there’s contracting too. With so many career options, where should you go after you earn that cybersecurity degree?
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Can We Trust Synthetic Intelligence?

May 7, 2018
Previously, we have discussed synthetic intelligence, agency in synthetic intelligence, and 
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Rogue Space Cameras?

May 4, 2018
First, one U.S. company decides to skip FCC licensing and puts up four rogue satellites.
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Your final exam: recover an out-of-control spacecraft!

May 2, 2018
For most students, taking a final exam means poring over a test – solving problems, answering questions, and doing your best to summon forth the knowledge you obtained during the semester.
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Recruiting Students: Success Tips for Employers

May 1, 2018
As commencement approaches, many graduating students are already well into the job search, hoping to land a position at a top company in their field.
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Privacy - The Rise in Demand

April 30, 2018
The demand for privacy is at an all-time high. Worldwide, web search traffic suggests that people are more interested in privacy today than they were ten years ago.
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Critical infrastructures expert Marianne Meins to deliver commencement address at Capitol

April 27, 2018
Marianne Meins, vice president for critical infrastructure strategy at Parsons, will address graduating bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students as Capitol Technology University
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Capitol’s new president calls for career-focused education

April 26, 2018
Capitol Technology University’s new president, Dr. Bradford L Sims, is emphasizing the need for “a solid education that enables students of all ages to obtain a great career and take care of themselves and their families.”
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Will the Turing Test Detect Synthetic Intelligence?

April 25, 2018
We know that synthetic intelligence is not artificial intelligence. The latter is an imitation whereas the former is authentic.
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Books for Business Analytics Bachelors and Masters Program Students

April 24, 2018
Business analytics skills are in high demand. Companies need employees with business know-how combined with the skills needed to interpret and organize data.
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