Capitology Blog

Why Writing Matters: A Comma Worth $15 Million

May 19, 2021
  When pursuing an education, and ultimately a career, in the STEM and business fields, you may consider courses in the humanities a necessary evil – a degree requirement that you suffer through to get to the “fun” courses. 
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AAPI Heritage Month: Contributions to Infrastructure

May 18, 2021
May is Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. In celebration of AAPI Heritage Month, Capitology Blog is highlighting the various contributions made by AAPI individuals in the STEM fields.
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Cap Tech's Own Space Race

May 17, 2021
Everyone knows that Capitol Tech students soar to new heights academically, but for a small group of passionate hobbyists, the figurative just isn’t enough.
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Colonial Pipeline Industrial Control System Hack: Everything We Know So Far

May 12, 2021
By Dr. Ron MartinProfessor of Practice: Critical Infrastructure, Industrial Control System Security, and Access and Identity Management
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Successful Landing for SpaceX Dragon

May 11, 2021
In the early hours of May 2, the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft landed in the Gulf of Mexico, returning four astronauts to Earth after six months in space.
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The Science Behind Jack Black

May 6, 2021
Have you heard of Judith Love Cohen? How about Jack Black? Either of these people could be household names depending on your social circle, but do you know the connection between the two?
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Healthcare Industry At the Top of Cybersecurity Threats in 2021

May 3, 2021
The Healthcare industry tops the list for cybersecurity threats in 2021. The demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to increase, as does the necessity for innovative new ways to combat ever-growing cyber threats.
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Creating Professional Focused Doctorates to Support Industry Needs

April 28, 2021
Capitol Technology University is focused on students’ growth to meet the demands of today’s industry.
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Q&A with Dr. Joshua Sinai on the terroristic threat of vehicular ramming

April 26, 2021
Recently, Cap Tech's own Dr.
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Legal Issues In Construction Management

April 26, 2021
In the construction and facility management world, potential legal issues and pitfalls are part of day-to-day operations. To gain greater insight on the legal issues that accompany today’s projects, we talked with Michael Wilber, construction manager at Vancouver-based Investment Builders.
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