Fire departments in most large cities tend to be hierarchical, and management is “top-down.” This style of leadership is efficient but not always genuinely effective. There are many impediments to true empowerment, and individual initiative can be inhibited. In this presentation, Dr. Reginald D. Freeman. Fire Chief for the City of Oakland, California, discusses fire service hierarchy, tradition, and impediments to true empowerment. When emotional intelligence is combined with servant leadership, organizational goals and objectives can easily be obtained. Dr. Freeman also discusses transformational leadership and transformational servant leadership, which can enhance efficiency and effectiveness when practiced. Lastly, Dr. Freeman discusses the differences between climate and culture and why it is vital to address both proactively.
The 60-minute webinar concludes with a moderated live question-and-answer period.
Capitol Technology University offers the webinar as a complimentary, informational service. This webinar offers a Certificate of Attendance.
About the Presenter

Dr. Reginald Freeman
Fire Chief, City of Oakland, CA
Dr. Reginald D. Freeman is Fire Chief for the City of Oakland, CA. He manages a force of more than 400 firefighters and staff, and the Oakland Fire Dept. (OFD) responds to more than 60,000 calls annually. Previously, Chief Freeman served as Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director for the City of Hartford, CT, and Fire Chief for Lockheed Martin. He also served as a civilian Fire Chief in Iraq for the U.S. Department of Defense from 2004-2008. Dr. Freeman earned his B.A. in Leadership from Bellevue University, M.S. in Executive Fire Service Leadership from Grand Canyon University, and Ph.D. in Emergency & Protective Services from Capitol Technology University.
Dr. Freeman is a credentialed Chief Fire Officer (CFO) as well as a Fellow with the Institution of Fire Engineers (FIFireE). He is also a graduate and Fellow of Harvard University’s Senior Executives for State & Local Government at the Kennedy School of Government, as well as the Bloomberg Harvard City Leadership Initiative program. He serves as an Adjunct Professor for Anna Maria College, Capitol Technology University, and the University of Florida. He lectures in undergraduate and graduate Fire Science and Master of Public Administration programs.