Jump Start Juniors Supported by Anthony and Anna L. Carozza Foundation


On May 6, several hundred high school juniors from the Mid-Atlantic region will visit the Capitol campus for the annual Jump Start Juniors Expo. The expo, which showcases academic and career pathways in STEM fields, is the largest high school STEM event on the East Coast.
This year, the lead funding for the event has been provided by the Anthony and Anna L. Carozza Foundation, which has donated a generous gift to Capitol College. The significant donation will be split into three installments, providing ample funding for the next several Jump Start Junior Expos.
“The generous gift by the Anthony and Anna L. Carozza Foundation ensures that local high school students will continue to benefit from Capitol’s STEM outreach activities, specifically Jump Start Juniors,” Michael Gibbs, vice president for advancement, said. “The Capitol community is proud to offer this annual STEM event to students in the local community.”
Students attending the event will be given a tour of campus and the opportunity to speak with faculty members, staff and students about STEM education. Additionally, students can participate in a rocket launch, view presentations by faculty members and student organizations, and speak with corporate recruiters.
The funding provided by the Anthony and Anna L. Carozza Foundation is just one example of the family’s support of Capitol. The Foundation has provided students with scholarships in the past and has remained close to the Capitol community through the years.
Learn more about Jump Start Juniors.