Capitol Welcomes High School Students For Jump Start Juniors Expo

On Friday, May 6, several hundred high school juniors from Bel Air High School, Friendship Academy of Science and Technology, Friendship Academy of Engineering and Technology, and W.E.B. Du Bois High School, visited Capitol College for the annual Jump Start Juniors Expo.

Jump Start Juniors is the largest STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) event on the east coast. During the event, high school juniors were provided an active showcase of academic and career pathways in STEM fields.
On Friday, students were able to network with representatives from various local STEM organizations including Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, NASA, Pax River and NAVAIR. Additionally, Capitol students, faculty and staff members spoke to students about the rewards of pursuing a STEM education and career.
“Capitol has hosted another successful showcase of STEM careers and education to young people who are on the cusp of deciding their college majors and career tracks,” George Walls, director of undergraduate admissions, said. “With the continued commitment of our faculty, staff and students coupled with the support and participation from our partners, this event will continue to grow and impact the region.”
Learn more about the 2011 Jump Start Juniors Expo.