Attention: 2020 Graduates! We Can’t Hug. But We Can Celebrate. 

Across the country, many graduating students and their universities are facing a difficult and emotional decision: what should we do about commencement?  

This important milestone is not one that should be overlooked, swept away, or forgotten. Capitol understands this. While we wait patiently for a traditional ceremony to be held at a safer time in the future, we’ve found a new way to celebrate.  

This Saturday, May 2, the day our in-person pre-coronavirus ceremony was scheduled to take place, Capitol will host the first ever virtual graduation celebration. The celebration will begin live at 11:00 a.m. on Facebook as a Facebook Watch Party. Students and all their supporters can comment with their congratulatory messages in real-time. Once the video, which will last about 20 minutes, is finished playing live, the video will remain on Capitol Tech’s Facebook page for asynchronous viewing. 

The full video can be accessed on Capitol Tech's YouTube page or viewers can view a recording of the live celebration on the Capitol Technology University Facebook page

During this video, Capitol Tech’s President, Bradford Sims, will speak to the 2020 Graduating Class; student awards will be announced; faculty awards will be announced; and of course, the members of the 2020 Graduating Class will be honored. 

In true Capitol fashion, our students have found their way or made one to accomplish their goal of graduation. The Capitol Tech faculty and staff are extremely excited to congratulate the graduating class this Saturday and again, in-person, in the future. 

We Can’t Hug. But We Can Celebrate.