Improved Error Detection Could Spark Quantum Computing Revolution

September 20, 2023

Quantum computing is a groundbreaking sector of computing that harnesses the power of quantum mechanics to tackle problems far too complex for classical computers to crack. While quantum computers are still in their early stages of development, recent breakthroughs in the field—including new research from IBM that improves error detection and correction—could pave the way for more widespread adoption. 


How Does Quantum Computing Work? 

Classical computers rely on bits, which can only exist as either 0 (off) or 1 (on). This is like a coin that can only land on either heads or tails. Quantum computers operate with qubits, which can exist as 0,1, or both states simultaneously—an intriguing phenomenon known as superposition. 

When two or more qubits become connected in a way that they share similar states of being, it is known as entanglement. With entanglement, knowing the state of one qubit allows you to know the state of all others, even if they are physically separated. 

Superposition and entanglement are the critical components behind quantum computers' ability to process information at incredible speeds. 


bit vs qubit diagram


A Quantum Computing Breakthrough 

Quantum computers possess a powerful ability to execute certain types of calculations, such as factoring large numbers, at an astonishing pace compared to their classical counterparts. For instance, rather than looking through database for solutions one by one, a quantum computer can explore all potential solutions to a problem within a database simultaneously. 

However, this improved processing power comes with a substantial trade-off: quantum computers are exceptionally delicate and prone to errors. These errors can undermine the accuracy of calculations and, thus, the utility of quantum computing. 

To combat this challenge, researchers at IBM have devised a novel error-detection and correction method that could fortify the transformative potential of quantum computing. IBM's solution hinges on using a quantum state known as a "cat state." Cat states exhibit an extraordinary sensitivity to errors. If an error materializes during a computation, the cat state collapses, making the error much easier to detect. 

This pioneering approach has proven to be considerably more efficient and precise than previous methods, representing a significant leap toward the development of fault-tolerant quantum computers capable of rectifying errors in real-time. The implications of this breakthrough could be felt across multiple industries, promising groundbreaking advancements in medicine, materials science, artificial intelligence, and countless others.  


IBM logo


Revolutionizing Supply Chains and Manufacturing 

Some of the most profound quantum computing-enabled transformations will emerge in supply chain management and manufacturing. 

In supply chains, quantum computers hold the potential to address intricate optimization problems, such as routing and scheduling, that could drive substantial cost savings and enhanced operational efficiency. Quantum computers could empower businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their supply chains and proactively identify potential disruptions—such as those caused by adverse weather—by simulating intricate transportation and logistics networks. Further, they could pave the way for more robust cryptographic algorithms, strengthening supply chain security against cyber threats. 

Within manufacturing, quantum computers could facilitate the design of novel materials that possess superior attributes, such as enhanced strength, reduced weight, and increased conductivity. Moreover, they have the potential to streamline scheduling, routing, inventory management, and other processes, which could result in considerable time and cost savings. Additionally, quantum computing can be harnessed to develop more precise and efficient quality control methodologies. 

Despite their immense promise, quantum computers are still in the early stages of development. They remain unavailable for commercial use, and the number of available algorithms for immediate deployment is limited. Regardless, their continued development coupled with significant scientific breakthroughs from technological giants like IBM is set to usher in a new wave of quantum computing-led products, solutions, and processes that will change how businesses operate and how we interact with the world. 

Capitol Technology University can prepare you to take the lead in quantum computing with our master's and Phd programs in quantum computing. For more information about Capitol Tech's degree programs in quantum computing,  contact our Admissions team at