Using AI for Disaster Management in Wildfire Scenarios

October 4, 2024

Since the dawn of time, wildfires have posed a significant threat to our global communities, as they are vastly capable of ravaging landscapes, destroying property, and endangering lives and livelihoods. In 2022 alone, 7.5 million acres were negatively affected by wildfire emergencies. And 2023 is quoted to have been a “tragic and bizarre year of wildfires” between the Maui disaster and the devastation from arctic Canada down the East Coast – areas which rarely see wildfires. With advancements in artificial intelligence technology, however, disaster management in wildfire prevention is steadily evolving. AI-based wildfire detection systems are being developed to help transform how we predict and respond to these catastrophic events, promising enhanced accuracy, speed, and efficiency. By leveraging machine learning, computer vision, predictive analytics, and sensor networks, AI systems better identify and predict wildfires, as well as detect situations in real-time, offering a vital edge in responding to this unique threat.

How AI Systems Can Predict Wildfires

AI systems can employ several different data sets and equipment to help in the prediction and prevention of wildfires. Through machine learning, historical wildfire data from previous years is being used to identify patterns of wildfires in specific locations and predict the likelihood of future fires. By analyzing data such as weather, vegetation types, and previous fire incidents, machine learning algorithms can determine if the conditions are prime for disaster and identify potential wildfire risks with increasing accuracy. This predictive power allows for proactive measures, such as issuing community warnings, sounding the Emergency Alert System, and mobilizing resources well in advance, thereby enhancing the overall response and resolution time if a wildfire occurs.

Digital twins are also used to create AI-generated wildfire scenarios that researchers can explore beforehand without risk. By creating virtual models of landscapes and fire-prone areas, researchers can view real-time simulations and analyze wildfire behavior under various scenarios, helping in optimizing response strategies and resource allocation when they are needed.

How AI Systems Can Detect and Respond to Wildfires

AI technology not only helps in preventing wildfires, but also in real-time scenarios. Computer vision systems assist wildfire detection efforts by analyzing high-resolution images captured by satellites and drones. These AI-powered image recognition programs excel at detecting smoke plumes and sighting fire hotspots with precision as they are occurring. This technology not only identifies the presence of smoke but can also differentiate between various types of smoke and track the progression of a fire as it spreads. Such detailed visual data is crucial for directing firefighting efforts and allocating resources effectively, as it provides a clear and immediate picture of the fire's behavior and movement. 

Sensor networks also offer real-time environmental monitoring that is crucial for early wildfire detection. Found in cameras, drones, satellites, and other data gathering systems, sensors are strategically placed in high-risk areas to measure factors like temperature, humidity, and air quality. When combined with AI algorithms, this data helps in identifying the early warning signs of potential fires such as extreme dryness, heavy brush, and high heat in an area. For instance, a sudden rise in temperature coupled with a drop in humidity can work to trigger sensor system alerts, leading to emergency communications to the public for heightened fire risk or wildfires in progress. Initiatives like ALERTCALIFORNIA support the usage of camera systems to scan the horizon for potential wildfire signs and encourage community involvement by having their camera feeds accessible online.

Post-Wildfire Damage Assessment

AI systems play a vital role in the aftermath of a wildfire as well, by providing effective damage assessment. AI is being used to rapidly analyze vast amounts of data to identify affected areas and assess the extent of destruction. Through satellite imagery and drone footage, for example, AI algorithms can detect changes in the presence of vegetation by using the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and machine learning methods. In a recent study using this process, it was found that “vegetation recovery maps can be created to assess re-vegetation in regions affected by the fire, which is performed via a deep learning-based unsupervised method, Adaptive Generative Adversarial Neural Network Model (AdaptiGAN) on post-fire data collected from various regions affected by wildfire.”

Additionally, AI systems can analyze the compromised structure integrity of affected buildings, as well as land usage and occupation, providing accurate and timely information about the impact of the fire and possible death toll. AI can also assess the resulting air quality after a wildfire occurs, determining pollutant dispersion, high smoke residuals, and identifying areas with elevated risks to the population. As wildfires “release millions of tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,” post-event damage assessment is an important environmental and climate change tool as well.

Based on this historical data, predictive modeling for future wildfires and improved action plans are developed. By streamlining the assessment process, AI not only helps emergency responders make informed decisions in real-time, but also supports communities in their recovery efforts, ensuring a more efficient and targeted response to the after-effects of wildfires.

Future Research in AI Systems for Wildfires

Through means of predictive analytics, real-time monitoring, and environmental sensing, AI can provide a comprehensive wildfire prevention and detection system. Large tech companies like Nvidia are exploring the potential of AI for specialized areas such as wildfire prevention and have even established “the world’s first AI-centric lab dedicated to wildfire prediction and response,” indicating a dire need and growing interest in researching new methods for wildfire mediation. These integrated technologies of AI are enhancing our disaster management processes, and are beginning to play a critical role in protecting our communities and natural ecosystems from the devastating impacts of wildfires. 

Education in Artificial Intelligence

As the first university in Maryland to offer a Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence, Capitol Technology University understands the importance of education in this evolving and impactful field of study. AI is being increasingly used to enhance many areas of our critical industries and infrastructure, and developing a strong foundation in this discipline will enhance your tech career potential. Learn more about our STEM-focused curriculum and program offerings by visiting our website or contacting our Admissions team today.