Double-Edged Sword: How Generative AI Is Being Used to Create and Protect against Cyberattacks

July 6, 2023

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT and Dall-E have transformed technology and revolutionized how we interact with the world. They've made it easier to gather and understand information, disrupted creative fields like art and music, and expanded the potential for implementing large-scale solutions. 

However, the rise of generative AI also raises concerns about its misuse by cyber attackers, who are exploiting these tools for their malicious activities. At the same time, cybersecurity professionals are exploring ways to utilize these tools to protect critical information and systems.  

This dual nature of generative AI presents unique challenges and opportunities for cybersecurity experts. 



The Dark Side of Generative AI 


Generative AI refers to AI systems that can create new content. These systems can also be manipulated by cyber attackers to initiate and amplify their cyberattacks. Using techniques like reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks, cybercriminals can develop more sophisticated and evasive cyberattacks that surpass standard defenses. 

One significant threat is the use of generative AI to create fake videos and manipulated audio. These "deepfakes" can spread disinformation and sew distrust in established institutions, such as healthcare and education.  

Attackers also leverage generative AI tools like ChatGPT to create hard-to-detect malware, breach secure systems, and exploit vulnerabilities to shut down critical systems or gain unauthorized access to personal devices. It’s used to craft personalized phishing emails that bypass typical scam indicators, making it harder for security teams to detect and prevent cyberattacks. Hackers even employ generative AI tools to bypass CAPTCHAs, guess passwords, and sabotage machine learning systems used for cyber threat detection. 



AI-Powered Cyber Defenses 


To counter the threats posed by the misuse of generative AI, traditional security systems must adapt and use AI themselves

These generative AI tools offer significant advantages in terms of faster threat detection, identification, and response. Companies are leveraging large language models to develop new cybersecurity tools that enhance the level of protection organizations can provide. For example, Google has introduced the Google Cloud Security AI Workbench, which promises AI-supported threat protection and analysis. Others are employing generative AI to analyze network traffic, identify potential threats, and promptly alert security teams to attacks, all at a faster pace than humans alone can achieve. 

By training AI-powered systems to defend against evolving attacks, cybersecurity professionals can utilize up-to-date systems to respond more quickly than threat actors can manipulate them. 



The Human Factor 


While generative AI plays a crucial role in defending against cyberattacks, humans still have an essential role to play. Fundamental cybersecurity practices such as using strong passwords, regularly updating software, and exercising caution with unknown sources remain vital. Human expertise and critical thinking skills are invaluable in identifying and responding to emerging threats that AI may not immediately recognize. 

Combining these practices with AI-powered defenses creates a layered approach to security that mitigates the risks posed by generative AI attacks. 



The Future of AI-Supported Cybersecurity 


Generative AI tools have unlocked incredible possibilities across various industries, but they have also introduced new cybersecurity challenges. As cyber attackers increasingly exploit generative AI for their malicious activities, it is crucial for cybersecurity professionals to harness the power of AI to defend against these evolving threats. 

AI can improve the speed and accuracy of threat detection and incident response, reduce the impact of cyberattacks, and enhance the efficiency of cybersecurity operations. By combining AI-powered defenses with human vigilance, best practices, and adaptable security measures, cybersecurity professionals and organizations can leverage the double-edged sword of generative AI to create a safer digital environment for individuals and businesses. 

Capitol Technology University’s programs in Cyber and Information Security and Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science can prepare you to use cutting-edge generative AI tools to enhance cybersecurity practices. For more information, visit the Capitol website or contact our Admissions team at